Fill out a Crowd Security Report to alert other users of crimes or suspicious behaviors in your community. To create a Report, specify the type of offense, and incorporate additional details about the event. This can include location and time, videos and pictures, and a blurb of text. Other users can respond and add information to your reports. This will help to form a crime trail that will assist enforcement officers.
Do not put personal information into the Report and always follow our terms of use.

Notifications are the backbone of Crowd Security’s streamlined form of communication. With consistent, live updates you can rely on us to receive news on reports in your area. Every individual user is given the means to frame their own border. Incidents that arise within that set area will be reported to you directly. Others that take place outside that location can be viewed easily through the app. A user can also enable roaming notifications to alert you while you travel. No matter the time or place, stay in the know!

Join a Chat Channel that is respective to your location. Connect with neighbours, local enforcement, and fellow crime reduction advocates. Chat in the comments of Reports to help build crime trails for enforcement officers. By staying active and in touch with other users, you can help strengthen your community.

The Virtual Vault is a function where users can input the essential details of their valuables into a private server. In cases of theft, natural disaster or misplacement, all information about your most precious items can easily be recovered. This format can also be helpful when dealing with matters of insurance. For your jewelry, vehicles and electronics trust the Virtual Vault to be prepared!

At Crowd Security our primary focus is to develop safer communities and maintain them. This is why we created the Crowd Security Safety Addition. With new features like an SOS Alert Button, the Safety Timer and Geofence tracking, now users have the ability not only to report on incidents during and after their occurrence, but they have been provided with the tools to prepare for future circumstances that may arise.

The SOS Alert Button is allows you to send out a notification with one simple click. You can alert your family, friends and other Crowd Security users that you need assistance. Effortless, efficient, and designed to keep you safe, the SOS Alert Button is an essential component of our Safety App Addition.
When you find yourself in a situation you suspect could be dangerous, but are unsure if you will be able to reach your phone, set a Timer. If you are unable to stop or reset the clock before the allotted time runs out, an alert will be distributed to select family and friends as well as users in the area. This will let them know that you require help since you have not responded to your Timer. Another component of our Safety App Addition, the Safety Timer has the power to make a deciding outcome when dealing with an unprecedented occurrence.
The Geofence addition in our Crowd Security Safety app was purposely constructed to be unique to every user. Personal and customizable, this function allows you to define your own polygon within a map. If a relative or close friend you have guardianship over exits the designated space, you will be notified so you can take the proper precautions.
Crowd Security for Drivers connects communities together to encourage awareness and solve active incidents even while on the go. Receive alerts of the most recent activity in your set radius and send a response message all while keeping your eyes on the road. With audio and voice recording messages you can safely keep on driving.