Jack is a farmer and lives in Camrose County. He receives video notifications on his cellphone while he is on vacation in Mexico.
The video notifications show a stranger knocking on his front door and then walking towards his fuel tanks. His gate camera also picks up an image of a light colored Dodge Durango.

Since this is only suspicious activity, Jack posts a clip of the video to Crowd Security App so everyone with the app set to receive notifications within the area are aware of this activity as soon as Jack posts it.
A couple of his neighbors drive towards his residence.
Neighbour A drives by Jack’s place and sees no suspicious vehicles but does see the fuel tank hose on the ground. This neighbour makes a follow-up report in the app and Jack now knows he was a victim of theft. He now calls police.
Neighbour B while driving towards Jack’s place sees a Durango heading southbound about 5 miles from Jack’s place and is able to obtain a license plate. Neighbour B reports this on the app.

Jack notifies police who now learns that this vehicle is SOC vehicle in multiple gas station thefts. He updates incident as “Police Notified” so police are not getting duplicate complaints.
App user C lives in Three Hills. After C receiving the notifications about this fuel theft, he is looking out for the Durango.
He sees the Durango parked near his residence and posts a picture and pin on the app.

Jack relays info to police and Three Hills RCMP are able to make arrests.
Through the app posts, RCMP are able to determine all required witnesses needed to make a successful case.